I wrote this program as an exercise to get back up to speed for my college courses. I used Turbo Pascal 6.0 as this is the teaching language at my college. Some routines and libraries were cadged from the book: PC Magazine Turbo Pascal 6.0 Techniques and Utilities by Neil J. Rubinking, out from Ziff-Davis Press, copywrite 1991. This program is a run-of-the-mill cleanup program, except that it will search out all drives on your machine. If the drive is a SUBST'd or JOINed logical drive, it will tell you so and ignore that drive. It also detects CDRom drives and Network drives, which are also ignored. (These two functions haven't been tested as I don't have access to either setup. They both use routines from the above mentioned book though, so they should prove reliable.) I decided that it really didn't gain me anything to ignore RAM Drives as they would take just about as much time to process as deciding to ignore them. I included the source code so that anyone with a Turbo Pascal compiler could customize the file search to their environment. I hope that you will find this file as useful as I do. Brian D. Catlin 77676,2041 (CIS)